Saturday, October 22, 2011

Copying MongoDB data from your machine to the cloud

For this example I’ll be using MongoHQ as the cloud host. I prefer MongoHQ over MongoLab because the web interface actually lets you edit and manage your data, which is great for making quick small tweaks.

Step 1 - Create a new database in MongoHQ

I start with a Free 16 MB collection. The next page you’re taken to shows you the address for the database and will look something like

Step 2 - Create a Database User

Click on the Database Users tab and add a user. Leave the Read Only boxed unchecked.

Step 3 - Prep your local data for transfer

On your machine open a command prompt and navigate to your Mongo bin directory or wherever the mongo.exe file is located.
Type mongodump -d DatabaseName where DatabaseName is the actual name of your database 
There will be a new folder in the directory named dump and in there another folder named after your database.

Step 4 - Transfer the data to the cloud

Type mongorestore -h -d DatabaseName -u admin -p password C:\Mongo\dump\DatabaseName (Make sure to substitute the appropriate values).
Verify on MongoHQ’s collections tab that the data was transferred successfully.

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