Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My second time getting LASIK

I first had Lasik eye surgery in March of 2003.  I was nearsighted in both eyes, both being -5.25 strength.  I had the procedure done at the Lasik Vision Institute in Chicago and was very happy with the results.

About 3 years ago, the vision in my right (dominant) eye started to weaken.  An eye exam showed it at -0.75 while my left eye has stayed at the same 20/20 strength.  So, I decided to fund my FSA and get Lasik again in just my right eye.

Technically I need PRK because the original Lasik procedure involved cutting a flap in my cornea that is peeled back for the laser and then closed again to heal.  Recovery is very quick, I remember seeing ok by the next day.

PRK involves wiping away of the cornea to use the laser, using a protective contact lens to cover the opening, and then allowing it to grow back over the next few days.  Recovery is much slower this way and that's what this blog is going to highlight.

Day 1 (surgery day)

I'm dropped off in the morning and after some clerical stuff and drops I'm taken to a prep room to talk to the eye surgeon and take anti-anxiety medication.  Shortly after I'm taken to the surgery room which is cold and dark.  I lay flat and more drops are applied.

The dr. starts lightly pressing on my eye with what seems like a little metal hook tool, similar to what a dentist would use.  He asks if I can feel any pain, I reply no.  He then proceeds to wipe the tool back and forth along my eye, effectively wiping away my cornea.  This is a hard sensation to describe, it's no painful but it is a little uncomfortable.  I had to remind myself that I've done this before and it's no big deal.  After about 20 seconds of that, he stops and starts to use the laser.  Again, no pain but there is a burning smell that is unmistakeable.

Finally a protective contact lens is placed on my eye (the dr. was great about explaining what he was doing during each step) and I was done.  I head out to the waiting room to wait for my ride.  Since my eye is so dilated, anything with light is really fuzzy to look at but I don't have a hard time keeping my eyes open.  It is suggested to go home and fall asleep immediately, which I do.

Day 2

For the most part, it doesn't seem like my vision was any better or worse yet.  Keeping my eyes open is still not a problem, especially when using the blu-blocker sunglasses provided.

Day 3

Post-op follow up appointment.  Things are looking good according to the dr.  She mentions that the dilation should be gone in the next 3 days.

I attempt to go to work, which actually turned out to be a mistake.  The light is hard for my right eye to handle while on the road so I keep it closed while using only my left.

Once I'm at the office, the ceiling lights are too much to bare, even with sunglasses on, so I finish up the day in a dark office room with monitor brightness turned all the way down.  My pupil is still largely dilated so the fuzzy halo effect around lights now seems worse.  I have to close my eyes every now and then and tears fill up my eye often when the light gets overwhelming.

Day 4

Did I mention that the dr. said Days 3, 4, and 5 would be the hardest?  This is definitely proving to be true.  I decide it'd be best to work from home these next few days.  My vision actually seems worse this day, not sure if it's because of buildup on the contact lens or the dilation.

Day 5

Things seem to be exactly the same as Day 4.

Day 6

Today is the day the protective lens comes out.  According to my eye exam, I can read letters off the 20/30 line.  Numbing drops were put in before the lens was removed, but even with those, there was still some very brief discomfort as the dr. used tweezers to remove the lens.

Dilation is taking longer than I'd like to go down.  At least the office lights no longer hurt my eyes.

Day 10

Dilation has finally gone down to almost normal.  The sharpness of vision in my right eye is at least as good as my left now.

Day 14

Dilation is completely gone and the sharpness has surpassed my left eye.  I'm able to see highway signs from really far away with my right.  In fact, it now feels like my left eye is the weak one in need of surgery.  I still get occasional headaches as my body is getting used to my right eye being the sharper, dominant one.

I'm extremely happy with my result and now I'm thinking of getting my left eye redone.


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