Wednesday, July 23, 2014

One of my articles is turning into a video

Not too long ago I wrote an article about "The top 5 things to tell your kid about software development" for my company.  It was both fun and easy to write about since I had a lot of concepts in my head already kind of geared towards that topic.

I just found out recently that our marketing department is going to turn it into a video!  Seeing some of their whiteboard brainstorming sessions, they are modeling it after the AT&T commercials where the guy in the business suit sits at a small table and talks in a very formal and stately way to 5 year old kids in a school.

Personally, I love those commercials, especially the one where the guy asks the little girl if she's running for the cutest kid contest.  They've all been funny and entertaining actually.

For me this is very exciting to see something I've done garner interest and even more as I watch the video come into fruition.  Next step is to try and have my own 5 year old be part of the video ... fingers crossed.

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