Friday, January 30, 2015

Getting Docker working on Windows 8.1

1. Installation

Download and run the latest installer:

Pick all 3 items to install unless you know that you already have them on your machine.

2. Enable virtualization

Reboot your computer and go into the BIOS settings.  Find and enable Virtualization which should look something like the image below:

3. Make sure VirtualBox can launch the VM

Launch Oracle VM VirtualBox and select the boot2docker-vm image.
Click Settings -> System.
Make sure the RAM is set to 4096 MB (or 2048 if you can't give it that much).
Click the Start button to start the VM and see if you get any errors.

4. Launch Boot2Docker

If everything went well you should be prompted to enter the password for docker@localhost.  The password is 'tcuser'
For some reason, I was prompted repeatedly until I reached the linux console.

Eventually you should reach the console prompt, then you're ready to start using Docker!

For further reading go here (by maximheckel) for details on running docker and sharing folders (scroll down to Running Docker containers):