Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thoughts on Meteor - Part 1: Documentation

Just a few months ago I told myself that I was going to start looking into React.  It's been gaining a lot of popularity and boasted a new architecture and philosophy on binding data to views.

Right around the same time I started reading that Meteor was nearing its 1.0 release.  I had watched the video on Meteor and tried out their demo for what seemed like a year ago, so it was interesting that they were approaching this major milestone.

As I read more about the features via the Discover Meteor and MeteorHacks newsletters I really got sucked back into it.  I bought the Discover Meteor book and am working my way through it.  Between meteor.com and atmospherejs.com there is a good amount of reading that you can do before you get started using it.  I'm still working my way through the docs seeing if I can get a better handle on the underlying technology and patterns used so that I can better explain to my fellow developers what's going on under the hood.

I definitely recommend you do the following for your first foray into Meteor:

1. Go to meteor.com and create an account
2. Run through the Tutorial on meteor.com (only works for OSX and Linux, I'll cover an alternative to this in the next blog post)
3. Read the Subprojects page on meteor.com to learn more about the components that make up the Meteor project.  Some of these links will point to atmospherejs for the project's readme.
4. Check out DiscoverMeteor.com and determine for yourself if you want to buy the book.  It was worth it to me so far.